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class Sorting

function sort_spatially

    xyz_unsorted: numpy.ndarray,
    settings: trajectopy.core.settings.sorting.SortingSettings = SortingSettings(discard_missing=True, voxel_size=0.05, movement_threshold=0.005, k_nearest=4)
)  Tuple[List[int], numpy.ndarray]

Reconstructs the spatial sorting of the given points

Spatially sorts the positions by constructing the minimum-spanning-tree of the positions. Finally, by performing up to 3 breadth-first-searches within the mst, the spatial sorting can be reconstructed

This functionality is only useful if the positions describe a closed loop without intersections.

This method can also take care of inserting missing points and assures that the direction of travel is kept during sorting.


  • xyz_unsorted (np.ndarray): unsorted positions
  • settings (SortingSettings, optional): sorting settings. Defaults to SortingSettings().


  • list: Sort index
  • np.ndarray: Arc lengths along the path